Sunday, October 21, 2012

Ruining Me

I must say- I had NO IDEA what I was getting myself into with this book. It was a new author and I was curious about the storyline. I was not prepared for the overflow of emotions that I felt when finished. I think  I may have to take a day off reading in order to get my heart back in check after reading Ruining Me. Just to let you know- there will be spoilers ahead.

This is not a Happily Ever After Novel- Far from it.

I think it is safe to say that Jay Stevenson is a broken young girl trying to escape one of the most terrifying experiences anyone can live through. She has alienated herself from all who love her and basically decided to live her life in a cloud of darkness and secrecy. It is pretty easy to figure out her secret in the first few chapters of the book, but you still find yourself cheering her on.
All of the men in this book are so lovable. You can really see how a girl could be torn about choosing just one. I found myself wanting all three of her suitors to win her love.

Nicole Reed leaves her readers with a devastating ending that tears up the hardest of hearts. I wept openly with the hope that she will please bring us the next installment of this story soon.

I recommend this book, but want to forewarn readers- this is not your typical "Contemporary Romance" novel.


  1. Thank you so much for your review!!! Sequel should be out Jan. 2013. :)

  2. Amazing book. When will there be a sequel? I'm DYING to read it..
